Stuff to the history of Roman sex, Roman female, feminist concept, twentieth-century people writers

The backyard away from Priapus: Sexuality an enthusiastic

Members JON-Religious BILLIGMEIER – Ca State University, Northridge – Former other in the centre for Hellenic Knowledge, Washington, D.C. Discussed articles toward Western Journal from Archaeology, Talanta, and you can Purchases of your Western Zoological Organization. LARISSA BONFANTE – Teacher out-of Classics in the Nyc College. Etruscan Top; Etruscan Language; articles to the ancient nudity, early Rome, photo out of moms and dads and kids inside the Le donne when you look at the Etruria (1989), and you will a translation of your own Performs off Hrotswitha off Ganderheim. ALAN CAMERON – Anthon Teacher of the Latin Words and Literature, Columbia School, Nyc, New york. Claudian: Poetry and you will Propaganda at the Judge out-of H onorius (1970); Porphyrius the Charioteer (1973); Circus Factions: Organization and Vegetables on Rome and you may Byzantium (1976); Literary works and you can People during the early Byzantine Industry (1985); Consuls of the After Roman Empire horny ismaili dating (1987); Barbarians and you will Government within Judge away from Arcadius (1992); The brand new Greek Anthology of Meleager so you can Planudes (1992); Callimachus with his Critics (1993). TERESA CARP -Author, The brand new Check in Protect, Eugene, Or. Due to the fact an associate teacher off classics from the College out of Oregon, she penned “Puer senex when you look at the Roman and you may Medieval Envision,” “One or two Matrons of one’s Later Republic,” “Venus utraque: an effective Typology of Seerhood,” and you will “The 3 Late-future Monks: Traditions and you will Invention throughout the Navigatio Sancti Brendani.” SUSAN GUETTEL COLE -

JUDY ANN TURNER – Independent student

and you will Background in the County College of the latest York on Buffalo. Theoi Megaloi: New Cult of High Gods within Samothrace (1984) and you may blogs regarding the traditions regarding maturation, the fresh new spends regarding liquids from inside the Greek ritual, epigraphical facts on cult of Dionysos, sex facts in the Greek religious behavior, and sanctuaries out of Demeter throughout the Greek business. CAROLYN DEWALD – Member Teacher on University away from Southern area Ca. Stuff into Greek historiography and you may rhetoric plus “Narrative Skin and you may Authorial Sound during the Herodotus’ Records” (An excellent rethusa , Vol. 20, 1987) and you may “Greek Training and you will Rhetoric” in the Culture of your Old Mediterranean: Greece and you will Rome (Vol. dos, 1988). HELENE P. FOLEY – Olin Teacher of Classics, Barnard University, Columbia University, Ny, Nyc. Routine Paradox: Poetry and Sacrifice in Euripides, Brand new Homeric Hymn so you can Demeter: Translation, Comments and you may Essays, Co-author of Women in the fresh Classical Business: Image and you can Text message, and you may content with the Greek books. FREDERICK T. GRIFFITHS – Professor away from Classics within Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. Theocritus at the Courtroom; Unique Epics: Gogol, Dostoevsky, and you will National Story (that have S. J. Rabinowitz), and you will articles toward Hellenistic poetry as well as on classical impacts into the Cather, Tolstoy, and you will Pasternak. MARIL YN ARTHUR KATZ.- Teacher away from Classics, Wesleyan College or university, Middletown, Connecticut. ”’Liberated’ Lady: the Classical Era,” in starting to be Obvious: Ladies in European Background (1987), “Women as well as the Members of the family in Old Greece,” The newest Yale Remark 71 (1982); Penelope’S Renown: Definition and Indeterminacy for the Homer’s Odyssey (1992). CHRISTINE Grams. PERKELL – User Professor out of Classics on Emory School, Atlanta. The brand new Poet’s Specifics: A study of the brand new Poet in the Virgil’s Georgics (1989) and you can enough posts on Virgil’s poetry and women’s education. SARAH B. POMEROY -

University in addition to Graduate University, CUNY. Goddesses, Whores, Spouses, and you may Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity and you can Women in Hellenistic Egypt. AMY RICHLIN – User Teacher off Classics and you may Ladies Degree during the College off South Ca.

Hostility when you look at the Roman Humor; Porn and you will Symbol during the Greece and you can Rome; and you may Feminist Idea as well as the Classics (which have Nancy Rabinowitz). EVA STEHLE – Secretary Teacher out of Classics at College or university off Maryland, College Playground. Content include “The fresh Taking from Venus and you will Cybele to Rome” (Helios 16: 1989), “Sappho’s Gaze: Goals off an excellent Deity and you can Young buck (Variations dos: 1990), and you will “Dii Penates a great Samothracia Sublati” (Latomus 50). Activities and Gender in early Greece (forthcoming). Mellon Other, Department of Classics, School from South California (198485) and you may earlier during the California Polytechnic Condition School, San Luis Obispo, Ca. “Greek Priesthoods” when you look at the Society of your own Ancient Mediterranean (1988). JACK WINKLER – Teacher from Classics, Stanford College (deceased). Auctor ainsi que Star: a beneficial narratological discovering off Apuleius’ Golden Butt, The fresh new Restrictions out of Focus, Co-editor out of Nothing to do with Dionysus?: Athenian Crisis with its Public Context, and you can Before Sexuality: Structures from Sexual Knowledge of brand new Ancient greek Globe. FROMA I. ZEITLIN – Ewing Professor off Greek Code and you can Literature and Teacher off Comparative Books within Princeton College, New jersey. Underneath the Manifestation of this new Protect: Semiotics and you will Aeschylus’ Eight Up against Thebes; co-publisher, Nothing to do with Dionysos?: Athenian Crisis with its Personal Perspective and you can Just before Sex: Structures regarding Sexual Expertise in brand new Ancient greek language Community; publisher, Mortals and you can Immortals: Chose Essays ofjean-Pierre Vernant. Multiple blogs to your Greek drama, myths, and you can sex.

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