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For example, for men old 45–54 ages, the new frequency of obesity try 25

b Excludes cuatro,313 British Biobank professionals aged fifty–64 decades who were forgotten investigation towards the possessions control updates or whom replied “none of the a lot more than” or “choose not to ever respond to.”

Real characteristics

Uk Biobank professionals was basically, normally, large and you can thinner and had an inferior waist circumference than the general society, according to the HSE 2008 (Dining table 3). Like, imply bmi (identified as lbs (kg)/peak (m) dos ) from inside the Uk Biobank men old 55–64 many years was twenty-seven.9 and you will twenty-seven.3, respectively, than twenty-eight.5 and you will twenty-eight.0 throughout the standard people, centered on analysis in the HSE 2008. British Biobank anyone have been in addition to less likely to want to end up being overweight (recognized as bmi ?30) across the all age groups checked in comparison to the general people. 6% within the British Biobank and you may 30.5% regarding standard inhabitants, that have relevant values off 23.0% and you can thirty-two.2%, respectively, for ladies ( Web Dining table 3 ). Continue reading