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Exactly about Women’s health: Painful intercourse after menopause

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: i will be within my belated 50s while having recently unearthed that intercourse is now quite uncomfortable. I’m presuming this is because I’m past menopause, but what’s the way that is best which will make intercourse less painful?

RESPONSE: Dyspareunia, the definition of for painful genital intercourse, is quite typical. Quotes differ, but studies of postmenopausal females perhaps not on hormones treatment report dyspareunia in up to 20 to 30 percent. It’s often split into three groups: trivial discomfort, deep discomfort or both. Nearly all women complain of trivial discomfort, which does occur upon genital penetration. Frequently, the pain sensation features a sharp or quality that is burning. Deep discomfort happens with deep thrusting or penetration. For many females, dyspareunia is short-term. For other people, it could become chronic.

After menopause, painful sex frequently is related to modifications as a result of decreased estrogen amounts.

The genital cells have a tendency to become less elastic, more delicate, and much more vunerable to bleeding, tearing or discomfort during sexual intercourse or within an exam that is pelvic. It may make intercourse painful as well as impossible. The increasing loss of estrogen could cause problems that are urinary that also could make intercourse uncomfortable. Not enough sexual intercourse plays a role in loss in muscle elasticity and health.

Often, other facets have reached play, including damage or injury, such as for instance from childbirth, pelvic surgery or any sort of accident. Skin conditions like eczema or lichen sclerosus, or disease in your vaginal area or endocrine system additionally may cause intercourse become painful. Involuntary spasms associated with wall that is vaginal (vaginismus) makes efforts at penetration painful or impossible. Certain medications, such as for example antidepressants, hypertension medicines as well as others, can subscribe to dryness that is vaginal. Continue reading