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I Discovered One Thing Essential About Garden Hose Quick-Connect Fittings

41 Responses

David Zeller says

If you prefer something less intrusive, you can just get something such as this. It really is that which we utilize. (Note, this is certainly simply the first one which showed up in a google search. We do not attest to the product or store.)

I’ll attest to it. We have one for each hose prior to a metal connect that is quick. Often I would like to get rid of the connect that is quick I’m able to shut water down straight away. At the least four years in South Texas climate without any genuine problems (The lever using one came loose nonetheless it gets dragged across a concrete that is pebbled usually. Effortless fix.). My metal quick links have actually a valve however they are finicky as you would expect and this alleviated any problems. Continue reading