Category Archives: sugar-daddies-uk+liverpool website

Accessory and you can time liking: Connections ranging from early be concerned and intimate behavior inside the a sample off Western college women

Belsky, J., Steinberg, L. & Draper, P. (1991). Youngsters feel, social invention, and reproductive means: an enthusiastic evolutionary theory of socialization. Boy Advancement, 62, 647-670.

Berman, P. W. (1980). Are women more receptive than guys on more youthful? A glance at developmental and you will situational parameters. Psychological Bulletin, 88, 668-695.

The brand new dictate of age and you will intercourse towards the responsiveness so you’re able to infants

Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Johnson, J. P. & MacMurray, J. P. (2002). Parent-child alert of the androgen receptor gene given that a conclusion out of the result from dad absence toward chronilogical age of menarche. Guy Innovation, 73, 1046-1051.

Draper, P. & Harpending, H. (1982). Dad lack and you may reproductive approach: A keen evolutionary perspective. Journal off Anthropological Search, 38, 255-273. Continue reading