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We Ask partners: just how many Times Did You have intercourse This Week

“i believe at the least eight. It had been Maddie’s birthday celebration this week. “

All pictures because of the author

In accordance with a current research, the typical Australian few has intercourse 1.4 times per week. But that is an average of, which means that it includes a complete great deal of various age ranges. And therefore got me personally wondering: what is a typical quantity for young adults?

Therefore I asked around Melbourne ( for and got a range of answers, from constantly all the way to never friday. Some partners said and declined that intercourse really should not be discussed in public places. Another few, for medical reasons, hadn’t had sex that week and got a little tearful. Nevertheless the bulk were available to talking about their activity that is sexual in many cases had been covered concerning the regularity.

Here is what they stated.

Cam and Sarah, both 33

VICE: Hey dudes, exactly exactly how times that are many perhaps you have banged this week? Sarah: Four times

And it is that the week that is average you? Continue reading