Category Archives: Beautiful Russian Women

How frequently Do Women Think Of Sex? Here’s the Unexpected Answer…

For some guys, the thought of sex, no matter if it is merely a moving idea, happens often times in just about any provided time.

Sure, some dudes think of intercourse more regularly than the others… but one research recently discovered that the typical guy believes about intercourse 24 times every day.

Seems that is about right think about ladies? Do they think about sex less usually? The amount that is same? How many times does she obviously have intercourse on her behalf head?

Many guys appear to believe that guys think of intercourse more frequently than ladies.

But, this research stumbled on a conclusion that is entirely different.

In reality, women can be contemplating intercourse a lot more often than many dudes understand. So now, i’ll tell you the facts exactly how usually females think of intercourse, and just how to make use of these records in your favor.

The number 1 Myth About ladies and Intercourse (And just exactly just What it indicates for you personally)

It is an assumption that is common males think of intercourse a lot more frequently than ladies:

  • “Men are obsessed with intercourse”…
  • “Guys are far more intimate than women”…
  • “Men lack self-control”…

But you know what? Based on that research, it is all B.S.

As well as in reality, females think of intercourse 18 times on a daily basis! Which is about when every hour that is wakingconsidering the fact that she’s getting 6 hours of rest every evening).

Astonished? we’ll acknowledge that I became, too.

Though applying this information, you will get some good understanding of the female brain — in specific, the feminine brain that is sexual. Continue reading