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Another World

Chapter 24

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2018 Fic Rec List

Since the 12 months concerns a detailed, we have finally come up with a summary of not only a number of my favorites, but they’re the pieces on me, and my own writing that I read that made a huge impact and impression! In 2010 ended up being such a huge one in my situation, since it was the entire year we made this account, read many amazing tales by a great deal of using this globe writers, along with became friends with many of you! We have enjoyed this present year more you all to thank for that than I can ever explain and have not only Harry, but also! Every single writer below, and each solitary writer on this website, has a great deal skill and I also endlessly many thanks all for giving me personally hours and hours of reading product! Please make sure to offer any writer you understand all of the love they deserve! Continue reading