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Once I first discovered that my better half had been a sex addict, we made the decision to keep and become a working element of their healing process

He’d currently effectively battled medication addiction and I also knew from unhealthy and addictive behaviors around sex as well that he was absolutely committed to freeing himself.

The issues that my husband struggled with ranged from cheating to engaging in virtual sexual relationships in online chatrooms while specific definitions of sex addiction vary within the medical and psychological communities. Even as we confronted their addiction together, each challenge offered the opportunity for development and assisted us to generate a relationship this is certainly more powerful than in the past.

With my hubby’s help, we now speak openly about my experiences because i will be no more bound by the pity and isolation that we once felt. It’s my hope that by breaking the silence around such a misunderstood subject, i am going to help others find hope that is much-needed recovery aswell.

I shall often be grateful for your way we’ve provided while the lessons that are following i have discovered from being an integral part of their data data recovery from intercourse addiction.

1. Intercourse addiction is much more than just a high sexual interest.

It will be an easy task to believe that an intercourse addict is probably somebody who has a extremely active libido, but intercourse addiction isn’t that simple. The sex addict is less about pleasure and more about managing personal insecurities and anxieties around close relationships unlike someone who chooses to have sexual experiences often for enjoyment. Continue reading