Category Archives: Real Mail Order Brides

Within the movie not even close to Heaven, four housewives that are young their intercourse lives over lunchtime daiquiris

“we are talking once a ” says one woman year. “we think we have done it as soon as into the year that is last. Possibly twice.”

“which makes me feel a lot better!” claims an other woman. “I’m able to hardly recall the final time we had intercourse. I am involved with it, however it may seem like he is constantly too tired today.”

“we are both too tired,” confides a 3rd. ” In the days that are old we’re able ton’t keep our fingers off one another. However these times, whenever bedtime comes around, all i wish to do is read my book and rest.”

A seeming epidemic

These ladies’ experiences mirror exactly just what the press and popular icons like Oprah Winfrey identify as an ever growing social sensation: the sexless wedding. Self-help guru Dr. Phil ominously dubbed the sexless marriage an “undeniable epidemic.” Ratings of the latest publications and articles in females’s mags provide advice for battling celibacy that is marital. Continue reading