Category Archives: siti-di-incontri-popolari visitors

How to Make an Awesome Dating App Profile

Being successful on these platforms has changed quite a bit, compared to just two years ago. And yes, you’ll want those hot photos – but first, let me give you some food for thought.

Online dating is a different ballgame these days, and that’s because we, a society, are a different ballgame. How do I know? All these dating apps did surveys over the pandemic, and we’ve learned some interesting stuff. Such as this, from a 2021 Match survey :

  • 2 in 3 singles want to wait until after the third date to have sex
  • 27% of singles want a friends-with-benefits or casual sexual relationship
  • 65% of singles want their dating partners to be vaccinated
  • 48% of people on the app now question what their type is
  • ??34% of folks on the app say that they’re more likely to go on a ‘dry date’ (alcohol-free date) now than pre-COVID
  • 91 percent of users want to date someone who goes to therapy-and 89 percent of daters are more likely to agree to a second date if the person mentions therapy on the first date.

So let’s create a data-driven dating app profile, friends! And for even more dating advice, check out my interview with Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at Hinge .

2. Grammar + Spelling: Check It

I will never forget the time a girlfriend of mine handed me her phone, to show me a guy who liked her profile. And for his job, where I can only assume he meant to write “Sales” on his profile, he wrote… “Sells.”

Not everyone’s a professional writer, and that’s OK! But before you publish your profile, have a friend look over your words for spelling and grammar. Typos may seem like no big deal, but can be a turn-off to many. So maximize your success, and bust out the spell check.

3. Announce Your Intentions

From all the surveys I’ve seen, 2022 will see the rise of the “intentional dater.” Meaning, folks who are up-front about what they’re looking for, right on their profile. The pandemic made us all take stock of our lives, and we realized that time is short. Continue reading