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Typical health errors women make after sex

Post-sex peeing will save you from a GLOBE of discomfort.

Dr Ejikeme, medical manager at Adonia Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, reveals exactly exactly what typical errors the majority of women make after making love.

Without having a wee

No, nobody can be bothered to go out of the convenience and glory of a post-sex sleep, you really must. Ladies have brief urethra and after intercourse, the germs could work its means as much as the bladder resulting in a urine illness (a.k.a. the pure evil that is cystitis). Peeing after intercourse flushes the urethra and decreases the possibility of crying while weeing fire for the following three times.

Douching and oils that are using >Dude, vaginas are SELF-CLEANING, ok?! making use of natural natural oils and douching changes your vag’s natural environment and PH. This boosts the risk of yeast conditions that you understand all too well you will not want.

maybe Not front that is wiping back

An oldie, but a goodie. The very first guideline of vulvas is you wipe from front side to back. Wiping back again to front side brings germs through the straight back passage to the urethra enhancing the threat of infections cystitis that is including.

Not birth control that is checking

You utilized a condom, fabulous news you will be a accountable sexer. But also for the love of STIs and pregnanc Continue reading