The fresh new relationships between lives issues being heavy get inside Desk 2

Data inhabitants

Away from 2,087 earliest-year youngsters whom underwent a standard test (pre-university) and you can complete questionnaires in the Wellness Provider Cardio out of Okayama School inside the , step one,396 people volunteered for a beneficial step 3-12 months realize-right up examination before graduation in (follow-upwards price; 66.9%). Because of it studies, i experienced players with a good Body mass index from ? 25.0 kilogram m ?dos once the fat (16) . We excluded 82 participants have been fat (Bmi ? twenty five kilogram m ?2 ) during the the baseline wellness test. Eventually, study from just one,314 college students (676 male and you will 638 ladies; 65.3%) have been assessed. The research are authorized by the Stability Committee of Okayama College or university Scholar College or university out-of Treatments, Oral and you may Pharmaceutical Sciences (Zero. 306). Written consent are extracted from all participants.

Comparison regarding overweight/carrying excess fat

About all around health examination, the brand new top and the body weight of members was in fact counted of the university’s personal fitness nurses utilising the Tanita excess fat analyser (Design No. BF-220; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan). Bmi are determined given that pounds inside the kilograms separated of the top inside yards squared (23) .


Members reported rates of eating prior to anybody else, considering certainly five qualitative categories: slow, typical, fast, and incredibly quick. The latest validity and precision of your own questionnaire has already been verified and you will employed for comparing connectivity anywhere between care about-advertised eating price and you may being obese (24) . I combined quick and extremely fast responses to your an individual group of eating easily and you may sluggish and normal solutions to your one group of eating slow (8) .

Some other lifetime things, answers received from the players for the a beneficial “yes/no” structure the following: an irregular eating plan (we.e., unpredictable mealtime), missing breakfast, dinner until complete, frequently snacking and you will/otherwise dinner in the evening, appear to taking fats, appear to dining greens, seem to dinner junk food, apparently eating sweets, frequently ingesting (sugar-sweetened) sodas, regular physical activity, and you will habitual drinking (16, 20) . The new survey was used on baseline.

Analytical data

Paired t, unpaired t, Fisher’s exact, and chi-squared tests were used to determine whether there were any significant differences between baseline and re-examination, or normal weight and overweight groups. Using a logistic regression model, both odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Being overweight at the 3-year follow-up was used as a dependent variable. Gender, eating quickly, and frequently consuming fatty foods at baseline were added as independent variables on multivariate analysis according to the guidelines of a previous study (25) . All data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (21.0J for Windows; SPSS Japan, Tokyo, Japan). A P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


There were no significant differences in prevalence of eating quickly and body composition at baseline between participants who were followed up and those who were not (data not shown). Table 1 shows the characteristics of participants. Overall, 207 male (30.2%) and 198 female (31.0%) participants reported eating quickly. Of the 38 participants (2.9%) who became overweight, none were obese (BMI ? 30 kg m ?2 ). There was a significant difference in body composition between baseline and re-examination data (P < 0.05).

  • a suggest ± standard deviation.
  • bP < 0.05, paired t test. Baseline vs. after 3 years.
  • cP < 0.05, ? 2 test.
  • dn (%).

In both male and female participants, a higher prevalence of those who ate quickly was observed in the overweight group compared with the normal weight group (P < 0.05). The prevalence of participants who ate quickly and frequently consumed fatty foods was significantly higher in the overweight group than in the normal weight group (P < 0.05).

  • a keen (%).

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