Season 5 Joey discovers out whenever he understands that the 2 took a visit together (“the main one Using The Kips”).

They attempt to keep their relationship secret from their other buddies in order to avoid jokes that are attracting concerns in the beginning, nevertheless they all ultimately find out. They generate him promise never to inform anyone, in which he agrees even if maintaining the key puts him in humiliating roles, with Joey just continuing to help keep quiet after getting back together a whole story that embarrasses Monica in exchange. Rachel later overhears a phone discussion amongst the two containing sexual innuendo (“the main one with all the current Resolutions”), although Monica denies this when this woman is confronted with Rachel. (“the only With Chandler’s Work Laugh”) Rachel chooses to let the 2 think she and Rachel go with Ross to check out Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment and sees Monica and Chandler having sex when she looks out of the window that she does not know until Phoebe finds out about Monica and Chandler when. Phoebe and Rachel commence to wreck havoc on Monica and Chandler that leads to Chandler saying it slip at Thanksgiving and then denying it) that he loves Monica for the second time (Having previously let. Ross finds out of the in an identical way in the very last scene associated with exact same episode. (“The Main One Where Everyone Discovers”)

The few face brand new challenges with their relationship call at the available.

One other’s teasing about them marriage sparks Chandler’s anxiety about dedication, resulting in a battle among them. Chandler fundamentally proposes to show he is maybe maybe perhaps not afraid to obtain hitched, but she quickly reassures him that she does not desire wedding or children straight away and it is pleased to assist him through their relationship dilemmas. (“the main one because of the woman whom Hits Joey”) Later Monica get’s worried that they have beenn’t as all over one another as Phoebe and her brand new boyfriend Gary, but Chandler reassures her that getting through the first stages of this relationship and what is time are available the long term is much more exciting for him and whatever they have actually is particularly unique. (“The Main One With Rachel’s Inadvertent Kiss”)

When you look at the Season 5 finale, Monica publications them a intimate visit to Las Vegas or their anniversary (“Plane-iversary”). Nonetheless Chandler is devastated whenever Phoebe inadvertently reveals that Monica had meal together with her ex-boyfriend Richard Burke. He sooner or later admits to Monica which he’s jealous because he understands Richard may be the passion for her life and then he can not compare compared to that. Astonished, Monica guarantees he’s now the love of her life and comforted they affirm they have never liked someone else just as much as they will have loved each other. (“The Main One In Las Las Vegas, Role 1″)

Season 6

Once they all head to Las vegas, they are on an absolute streak in the crabs dining table whenever Chandler tells Monica that, if she rolls another difficult eight, they ought to go on it as an indicator and get married that evening. One of many dice pops up aided by the four in addition to other rolls from the dining table. Once they go looking because of it, they view it might be either a four or a five, nonetheless they agree totally that it is a four and opt to get married. They’re going up to a nearby wedding chapel and therefore are waiting to obtain hitched whenever a really drunk and married Rachel and Ross emerge from the wedding chapel (“the main one victorie imlive In Vegas, Part 2″). Seeing Rachel and Ross disturbs both Monica and Chandler, and so they begin to think they are going too quickly. They each wish to back away in the Las Las Vegas wedding, but neither of these would like to disappoint one other, so they really decide they are going to keep it as much as fate. But, even though they keep getting signs telling them they need to get hitched, they feel these are typicallyn’t prepared yet. Chandler implies relocating together rather and Monica enthusiastically agrees. (“The Main One After Las Las Vegas”).

They face some nagging dilemmas about transferring together, while they argue over simply how much of Chandler’s material must certanly be relocated in and what you should do with Rachel’s extra space.

Monica relents and makes more space for Chandler’s things, including their barcalounger and dog that is white they consent to make use of the space for something they both enjoy. (“the only Where Ross Hugs Rachel”) the remainder show imply they adjust well to residing together and arguments that are no further shown.

As soon as the gang consider exactly what their everyday lives could have been like then admitting to deeper feelings if key events turned out differently, Monica and Chandler still end up dating despite Monica still being fat and Chandler being a writer/Joey’s assistant, with Chandler ‘offering’ to sleep with Monica when her then-boyfriend cancelled a planned date and Chandler. (“The One Which Might Have Been, Part 2″)

After residing together for per year, Chandler chooses he’s prepared to propose to Monica, buying a band with Phoebe’s assistance, and then he takes her off to her favorite restaurant for the intimate night. Nevertheless, the night does not get since planned; Richard turns up and it is seated in the table that is next. Once they get back home, nevertheless perhaps not involved, but very first Phoebe after which Rachel asks to see Monica’s hand, Chandler is upset thinking their shock is ruined. Phoebe and Joey convince him it isn’t, that every he has to do is just simply simply take a few days convincing her which he’s nowhere near prepared to get hitched, then it will nevertheless be a shock as he really does propose. Their plan goes down a tad too well, and things have a lot more out of control whenever Richard turns up and tells Monica he nevertheless really loves her and really wants to marry her. Monica is extremely upset regarding how unjust it’s, stating that “fair” could have been if Richard had desired to marry her when she ended up being nevertheless in love her now with him, or if Chandler wanted to marry. Meanwhile, Chandler frantically searches that he might have ruined everything for her, worried that he’s gone too far in pretending he didn’t want to get married and. She was there waiting for Chandler with hundreds of lit candles all over the room when he returns to their apartment that evening Joey had already explained everything to Monica, and. Monica gets straight straight down on a single leg and attempts to propose, but she begins crying a great deal she can’t complete it, so Chandler gets down on a single knee also, telling her than he ever imagined he could be that she makes him happier. Telling Monica which he will invest the others of the life attempting to make her believe that pleased, he asks Monica to marry him, and Monica states ‘yes’. (“Usually The One Utilizing The Proposal, Part 2″)

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