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Worldwide lost a strong force in aggressive dream-pop whenever Boston’s football Mom known as they quits just last year

The Hotness: Lowlands, Melt

The music of French tag Beko Disques, best-known as a purveyor of classy, once a week electronic releases, has recently graced these digital content a number of days, as confirmed by these parts regarding Bilinda Butchers and Mooncreatures, amongst others. The label reveals no signs of reducing, and also in 2021 continues to carry out quality investigation in to the dreamier communities of post-punk, mostly in the intersections of faraway background and relatively quick pop sounds. Coincidentally an apt description regarding the most recent launch from brand-new Zealand’s mysterious Lowlands. Arriving the wake of some other shorter secretes on Beko, this new, self-titled set gift suggestions a pastiche of Korg synths, acoustic guitars, and even a “Tibetan vocal pan.” That by yourself need enough to suggest that Lowlands — which, based on its Bandcamp page, paradoxically renders their songs “on a hill across from an urban area” — takes its sounds most really. Continue reading