Category Archives: Imlive Porn

A total, Probably Biased Ranking of Carrie Bradshaws 18 Intercourse therefore the City Boyfriends

Notable mainly to be the very first guy Carrie shacks up with onscreen in season one (Should we now have intercourse like guys? ) along with having straight-up shark face, Kurts presence ended up being fleeting. He had been there, after which he had been gone, making just the lingering scent of Drakkar Noir and international venereal diseases in their wake.

Verdict: One Cosmo with lipstick across the rim.

An affable young doofus that Carrie rebounds with after being endured up by Mr. Big, whose ADHD rambling ( “I experienced this fantasy, I’d these HUGE hands, and you also had been inside it… as this stunning woman that is unicorn) and tailgating-at-a-Phish-concert-esque apartment fundamentally turned her down within the awesomely-named “Valley regarding the Twenty-Something Guys” episode. Us too.

Verdict: Two cosmos laced with LSD.

The chiseled architect that is french mistakes Carrie for a high-class hooker and will leave $1,000 regarding the nightstand. Le fin.

Verdict: One Cosmo by having a beret (mostly for the line “You’re too stunning to be a journalist. ” F*ck you, guy. )

He appeared on Sex and The City—twice before he was Jennifer Aniston’s better half. The time that is first he is a flash-in-the-pan writer that is experiencing his five seconds of fame and believes that means it is ok to put on sunglasses in.

Verdict: a Cosmo that is half-drunk with sunglasses upon it.

We discover in Season 2 that during her dry spells, Carrie often goes right down to Pound Town using the man through the All State Commercials/Dennis from 30 Rock, random star Dean Winters. They’re going on two times and she discovers that he’s extremely boring. Continue reading