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Hitchon , Jacqueline , Chingching , Chang , and you will Harris , Rhonda , “Would be to female emote?

40 . Lambert , Alan J. and you can Wyer , Robert S. Jr. “Stereotypes and you may personal wisdom: The consequences regarding typicality and you can group heterogeneity,” Log off Personality and Personal Mindset , 1990 , 59 ( 4 ): 676 – 691 .

41 . Heilman , Madeline E. , “Malfunction and you can pills: Exactly how gender stereotypes avoid women’s ascent within the business ladder,” Diary regarding Social Products 2001 , 57 ( cuatro ): 657 – 674 .

43 . Perceptual prejudice and you can viewpoint improvement in reaction to political advertisements to have applicants of different genders,” Political Interaction 1997 , 14 ( step 1 ): forty-two – 69 .

forty-two . Bodenhausen , Galen V. and you will Neil Macrae , C. , “Stereotype activation and you may suppression,” when you look at the Stereotype Activation and you will Suppression , ed. Wyer , Robert S. Jr. ( Mahwah, Nj-new jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Partners , 1998 ).Yahoo Student

Burgess , Diana and you may Borgida , Eugene , “Whom women are, exactly who feminine shall be: Descriptive and you may prescriptive gender stereotyping during the sex discrimination,” Therapy, Social Coverage, and Legislation 1999 , 5 ( 3 ): 665 – 692

forty-five . Bargh , John An excellent. , “The brand new intellectual monster: Happening from the controllability out of automated stereotype effects,” within the Twin Processes Theories from inside the Societal Psychology , ed. Continue reading