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Canadian man says health team ‘pressured’ him so you can euthanize their partner

Canadian guy claims hospital employees ‘pressured’ him to euthanize his wife

Richard Leskun remained at the his partner Marilynn’s top nearly day 24 hours just after she try admitted so you’re able to Abbotsford Regional Medical, the consequence of a trip of their unique wheelchair.

Across the next a few days Leskun discover himself not only compassionate for their 71-year-old partner also fending out-of operate by the scientific personnel to allow her to pass away, prior to they open to work on websted her their own.

Hot weather Shore widower are category of the latest security over exactly what he claims is actually a shocking and you can risky prejudice throughout the scientific system toward new strategy of passing to own ill and you may elderly patients.

Leskun, 75, generated the charges once the guy told you scientific group within Abbotsford medical “pressured” and you will “badgered” him so that their partner of half a century, Marilynn, to die, after which ideal which he allow her to become euthanized.

Currently sensitive regarding the debilitating effects of dementia, Marilynn, 71, had registered a healthcare facility after losing of their wheelchair and you may cracking backbone inside her shoulder. Continue reading