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Russian Wedding Photos Highlight Novichok Suspect’s Safety Ties

The daddy of this bride grinned while he moved their child down the aisle.

The July 29, 2017, wedding occurred in the shores of Lake Senezh, a peaceful, tree-lined human anatomy of water about 50 kilometers north of Moscow. Lots of visitors applauded the beaming bride as her dad escorted her to the front side to provide her vows. After supper and dance, fireworks lit within the sky.

On the list of smiling guests had been a person in a suit and cuff links, using a beard and a mustache, their locks parted nicely in the left, having a watch that is expensive their remaining wrist and a glass or two inside the right hand.

Lower than a 12 months later, that man ended up being publicly identified by British police as you of two Russian armed forces cleverness officers running under cover names whom presumably planted a very toxic neurological agent called Novichok at a home in Salisbury, England, in a bid to poison A russian dual representative. The prospective, Sergei Skripal, along with his child survived the poisoning. A woman that is british no connections to Russia passed away, evidently after unintentionally getting into experience of the substance.

The current presence of the poisoning suspect, Anatoly Chepiga, in the wedding contributes to the already substantial body of evidence connecting him to Russian intelligence that is military often called the GRU. It further undermines his commonly mocked claim that he could be merely a nutritional-supplements salesman called Ruslan Boshirov whom traveled to Salisbury in March 2018 to appreciate its architecture.

The guy who wandered their daughter along the aisle is Major General Andrei Averyanov, the secretive commander of a Russian armed forces product that Western cleverness officials have actually apparently connected to a selection of malfeasance in European countries. Continue reading