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Men’s basketball: UMF’s Meader retiring after 44 periods

Men’s baseball advisor Dick Meader won 513 games over 17 periods at Thomas university and 27 at UMaine-Farmington and helped begin Pine Tree Basketball Camp.

Year Dick Meader knew this was going to be his last. Then a whole University of Maine at Farmington community knew. Soon, the remainder state ended up being catching in.

Once the secret that is open, but, it never ever discovered its means to the UMF men’s baseball team’s techniques. Meader ensured from it.

“He never chatted about any of it when all 12 months, ” senior Riley Robinson stated. “He’s not merely one to share with you himself. He’s very unselfish. ”

The news headlines became official Thursday, but, since the college announced that Meader, 73, is retiring by the end associated with the scholastic 12 months. Meader’s your romanian dating website retirement will end a 44-year mentoring profession that saw him invest 27 years at UMF and 17 at Thomas university, and compile 513 victories. He had been also inducted to the Maine Sports Hall of Fame, the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame additionally the New England Basketball Hall of Fame, plus the Halls for Thomas and UMF, and was called the North Atlantic Conference Coach of the Year for the time that is fifth season.

Dick Meader stepped down Thursday after 27 years because the University of Maine at Farmington men’s baseball head advisor. UMF athletics photo

Also it would be the last one before it started, however, Meader knew.

“It’s time, ” said Meader, whom additionally coached baseball at UMF from 1993-2010. “I don’t wish to be an anchor to such a thing. I simply feel well about any of it, that it is time and energy to do it. After some duration ago, we knew it absolutely was time that is n’t. Continue reading