Category Archives: pinkcupid review

date a pickup musician? Bing “Adam Lyons” and you’ll understand why Amanda Lyons’ mom had been leery of her child dating the guy three years ago

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July 9, 2010 | 4:37am

“Adam Lyons — the great seducer” blares one headline. “Adam Lyons’ ‘Make out in 60 moments’ video,” claims another. “Adam Lyons, PUA [pickup artist] Training.” An such like.

“My mom had been like, ‘Who is it man and what exactly are you doing?’ ” says Amanda. “I informed her, ‘It’s not as bad as it appears, we promise.’”

Whenever Amanda, 23, first met the suave Brit in a nightclub in London where she ended up being learning, he had been starting up together with her buddy.

“It was not really love in the beginning sight!” Amanda admits with fun.

Pickup artists — men who learn the art of setting up and utilize an arsenal of pick-up lines to get with women — weren’t totally a new comer to the pretty Texan. Continue reading