Category Archives: Mydirtyhobby.C

Mastering the Art of Drunk Cooking. Staring out the window, though, I’m reminded that we don’t get to try out this springtime.

A six-pack and three cocktails deep if the world’s going to end, why not attempt three gourmet meals while a bottle of Prosecco?

Staring out of the screen, viewing the California sunlight immerse into each part regarding the yard, I’m reminded so it’s enough time of the year once I have the desire to fling open the entranceway and ask my buddies in.

The longer days and balmy weather make it feel just like the best time for you to fire a grill up and wade in to the kidney-bean pool within my 1960s apartment complex. As soon as my buddies crash through the building and into my family area, they inevitably bring gifts of wine and liquor — a march of labels and bottles we don’t recall, poured in to the glasses that are same constantly scrounge up. Continue reading